Završna konferencija međunarodnog (FP7) projekta WBC-INCO.NET

U Beču je 27. i 28. ožujka 2014. održana završna konferencija međunarodnog (FP7) projekta WBC-INCO.NET u kojem je Institut Ivo Pilar sudjelovao kao partner. Projekt je započela Europska komisija u veljači 2008. godine radi poticanja znanstvenoistraživačke suradnje zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, zemalja kandidata za članstvo u Europskoj uniji i same Europske unije. Na Institutu Ivo Pilar projektne aktivnosti koordinirala je dr. sc. Jadranka Švarc u suradnji s dr. sc. Sašom Poljanec Borić i Jurajem PerkovićemProgram konferencije; Prezentacije konferencije; Web stranice konferencije

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The WBC-INCO.NET project has entered after 6 years its final phase. A large Final Conference and Brokerage Event was organised on 27-28 March 2014, in Vienna which was attended by about 200 science policymakers, scientists and industry representatives from the Western Balkan Region, SEE, Danube Region but also other EU countries who are interested in cooperation with WB countries. The Institute Ivo Pilar was a member of the project consortium and actively participate in project realisation by organizing the process of defining research priorities for the needs of the project, carrying out studies and performing other activities. The research work included the three comprehensive studies: (1) Barriers in research cooperation of WBC countries, (2) Comparative analysis of the innovation capacity in the WBC with particular focus on joint cooperation needs i (3) National Background Report on Social Sciences and Humanities for Croatia.

The coordinator of the activities at the Ivo Pilar institute was Jadranka Švarc who carried out project activities in cooperation with Saša Poljanec Borić and PhD student Juraj Perković. Many other researches form different institutions ranging from the Podravka, d.d. to the Institute of Economics and Faculty for Organisations and Informatics were involved.

Programme: WBC-INCO.NET Final Conference
Presentations: WBC-INCO.NET Final Conference
Web site: WBC-INCO.NET Final Conference

>>> Institut Ivo Pilar u WBC-INCO.NET projektu
>>> Studija inovacijskih potreba u zemljama WBC-a




Također provjeri

Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić na stručnom skupu “Potencijali i zamke migracijskih sporazuma sa zemljama izvan EU”; Berlin, 31. 5. 2024.

Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, viša znanstvena suradnica na Institutu društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, pozvana… Pročitaj više o Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić na stručnom skupu “Potencijali i zamke migracijskih sporazuma sa zemljama izvan EU”; Berlin, 31. 5. 2024.