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● Founding of the Institute ● Headquarters ● Regional Centers ● Governance ● Activities of the Institute ● The Library ● Information Technology ● International Cooperation ● The Institute Medal ● Donations ● Who was Ivo Pilar ● Gallery
>>> “HR Excellence in Researches”
Founding of the Institute
The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar was founded by a decision of the University Assembly of the University of Zagreb on November 26, 1991. By the Law of Institutions of 1993, it became a public institution; and by the Law of Scholarly Research of the same year, it became a public institute of the Republic of Croatia.
The original name of the Institute was the “Institute of Applied Social Research”. It was renamed “Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar” by a decision made by the Governing Board on February 18, 1997.
Marulićev trg 19
PO Box 277
10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 4886 800
Fax: +385 1 4828 296
Regional Centers
The Institute has regional centers in Osijek, Split, Pula, Vukovar, Gospić, Dubrovnik, and Varaždin.
Regional Center Osijek
Šamačka 9/II
31000 Osijek
Tel: +385 31 207 294
Fax: +385 31 202 067
Regional Center Split
Poljana kraljice Jelene 1
21000 Split
Tel/Fax: +385 21 344 154
Regional Center Pula
Leharova 1, p.p. 70
52100 Pula
Tel/Fax: +385 52 534 260
Regional Center Vukovar
Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 25, p.p. 58
32 000 Vukovar
Tel: +385 32 450 323
Fax: +385 32 450 348
Regional Center Gospić
Trg Stjepana Radića 4/1
53 000 Gospić
Tel/Fax: +385 53 741 140
Regional Center Dubrovnik
Od Kaštela 11
20 000 Dubrovnik
Tel: +385 20 323 946
Fax: +385 20 324 769
Regional Center Varaždin
c/o Marulićev trg 19
10 000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 4886 819
Fax: + 385 1 4828 296
The Institute is governed by a Governing Board and Director, both nominated by the Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. Scientific matters are supervised by the Research Council.
The Research Council has 59 members.
The Head of the Research Council is Nenad Pokos, Ph.D.
Director of the Institute is Željko Holjevac, Ph.D. His Assistant is Dražen Živić, Ph.D.
Activities of the Institute
● Scientific research in the field of social sciences and humanities – basic, applied, and developmental.
● Professional research, expert consulting, and other intellectual services in social sciences and humanistic disciplines.
● Interdisciplinary scientific and professional research combining the fields of social sciences and humanities with those
of economy, engineering, technology, medicine, natural sciences, and ecology.
● Strategic analysis and research.
● Market analysis, public opinion research, analysis and evaluation of numerous other issues on a regional and state
● Publishing.
● Public lectures and book presentations.
● Scholarly and professional gatherings.
● Library activity and documentation gathering.
The Library
The Institute possesses its own library which contains professional literature, reference materials, dictionaries, etc. It has over 6,000 volumes accessible to both the members and extramural research associates.
Information Technology
The Institute is supplied with information technology linking it, through the Croatian Academic Network, the CARNet, with information networks in Croatia and abroad.
International Cooperation
The Institute has developed a comprehensive network of cooperation with foreign and local institutions, organizations, and researchers, and with international and regional governmental organizations, institutions and associations, and NGOs.
The Institute Medal
Since 1998 the Institute has been awarding a medal with the likeness of Ivo Pilar (a work by the Academic Sculptor Stipe Sikirica) to outstanding scholars and scientists. The first such medals were awarded to the Institute founders – distinguished academic and public figures.
Heirs to Ivo Pilar have donated to the Institute a series of original documents which are kept in the Institute’s safe; copies of which are on exhibit.
Who was Ivo Pilar
Dr. Ivo Pilar (b. 19 June 1874, Zagreb; d. 3 September 1933)
A respected attorney in Sarajevo, Tuzla, and Zagreb; politician, publicist, sociologist, and the father of Croatian geopolitical science.
Having studied law in Vienna and Paris, Pilar practiced law in Sarajevo, Tuzla, and Zagreb until his unexplained and questionable “suicide” in 1933. He was the founder of the “Croatian National Union” for Bosnia and Herzegovina (1910). During the First World War he advocated retaining the integrity of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, including the Croatian lands and Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the war he was an opponent of the Greater-Serbian regime, and supported the idea of federalization of Yugoslavia.
Pilar also studied the sources of Bogumilism (Bogumilism as a Religious, Historical, and Socio-Political Problem, Zagreb, 1927). He wrote philosophic treatises, and was one of the founders of the Croatian Moderna movement in visual arts. In the article entitled “The Secession” in the Vijenac (1898), he pleaded for artistic freedom, democratization of the arts, and a place for new art techniques (poster art, reproductive arts).
Pilar was the author of the first political geography of Croatian lands (1918). In his main work, Die Südslavische Frage (The Yugoslav Question) which was published under the pseudonym of L. von Südland in Vienna in 1918 (Croatian translation by F. Pucek, 1943), he proposed unification of Croatian lands, and rejected state union with Serbia (from Hrvatski leksikon, II, Zagreb: Naklada leksikon, 1997).