Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar: HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH

Pilar HR logo By signing the Charter and Codex on April 30, 2010, the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences joined the project Human Resources Strategy for Researches and upon completing the steps prescribed by the European Commission it received the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH logo in acknowledgement of the implementation of the project’s value system. – Documents



– The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers ( HRS4R )
– The European Charter for Researchers & the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment
– HRS4R Acknowledged Institutions


In 2005, the European Commission adopted the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The objective of these two documents is to create an attractive, open and sustainable labor market for researchers, employers and funders.

By signing the Charter and Codex on April 30, 2010, the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences joined the project Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, so that upon completing the steps prescribed by the European Commission it would receive the HR Excellence in Research logo in acknowledgement of the implementation of the project’s value system.

The project was conducted at the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences in the following phases:

1. The Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences signed the Declaration of Commitment to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers on April 30, 2010.

2. On the basis of the conclusions of the Second Session of the Governing Board of the Pilar Institute, December 18, 2012, and the signed Declaration of Commitment to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the Decision on the Establishment of a Commission for the Preparation of a questionnaire, Human Resources Strategy for Researchers and Plan of Action for Obtaining Recognition by the European Commission, consisting of Ida Čubelić, President, Dr. Ivan Balabanić, Dr. Danijel Vojak, Asja Valjevac, Legal Services, and Blaženka Markeš, Office of the Director, was adopted on January 14, 2013.

3. The task of the Commission, pursuant to the signed European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, was to incorporate the principles of the Charter and Code into the legislation of the Pilar Institute, including the preparation of a questionnaire for determining the extent to which the institutional practices toward employees were in compliance with the principles of the Charter; prepare a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers; and prepare a Plan of Action. The Commission prepared said documents in cooperation with a member of the Governing Board of the Pilar Institute, Associate Professor Dr. Karin Doolan of the University of Zadar, and in consultation with the Administration of the Ivo Pilar Institute.

4. During January and February 2013, the Commission prepared a written version of the Questionnaire on the Evaluation of Quality in Research and adapted it to the national and institutional legislation. The questionnaire was posted on the website of the Pilar Institute and the study was conducted from February 20 to 27, 2013. The method and technique of the study involved an on-line survey via the web service The link to the questionnaire was sent to the e-mail addresses of all 107 employees of the Ivo Pilar Institute.

5. The objective of the study was to determine the current level of the implementation of the principles of the Codex and Charter at the Pilar Institute. The instrument used in the study is the standard questionnaire proposed by EURAXESS. The questionnaire was adapted to the institute’s forms of work in Croatia. It consisted of four dimensions (groups) of questions connected with work at the Pilar Institute as defined by the following headings: 1) Content and transparency of the competitions; (calls for applications, advertisements); selection and method for the evaluation of candidates, 2) Stability and permanence of employment, 3) Recognition of the profession; nondiscrimination, research environment and 4) Professional development; plans for training and mobility; mentorship (supervision), instruction. The questionnaire was completed by 52.3% of the total number of employees.

6. During the period from March to November 2013, the data obtained were analyzed. Through the consolidation of the data collected with the questionnaire, the Form for Human Resources Strategy for Researchers was completed, which was discussed on several occasions by the Research Council of the Pilar Institute, as well as at meetings of the Governing Board of the Pilar Institute.

7. On the basis of the prepared Human Resources Strategy for Researchers through the application of the Charter and Codex, the Plan of Action has been defined in which concrete steps are specified.

8. In June 2014, the Governing Board of the Pilar Institute adopted the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers through the Application of the Charter and Codex, as well as the Plan of Action.

9. By October 2014, the Strategy and Plan of Action had been translated into English and sent to the European Commission in order to obtain the HR Excellence in Research logo.

10. On July 2015 Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar received te official acknowledgment from the European Commission for its A Human Resources Strategy for Researchers incorporating the Charter and Code and is now entitled to use the special logo HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH.


– Work Plan of Activities
– A Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
– Action Plan

>>> Institutu Ivo Pilar priznanje HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH

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