Izlaganje Ive Žunić, mag. soc., mag. psych., o skalama muškosti i ženskosti, 8. 2. 2024.

U okviru ciklusa „Metodološke teme“ splitske podružnice Hrvatskog sociološkog društva , asistentica na Institutu Pilar i suradnica projekta NextGenderHR Iva Žunić, mag. soc., mag. psych., održala je 8. veljače 2024. videokonferencijsko izlaganje s naslovom „Analiza mjernih instrumenata muškosti i ženskosti“



Izlagačica je iznijela kritički pregled odabranih postojećih skala muškosti i ženskosti korištenih u različitim istraživanjima s rodnom tematikom, a u raspravi koja je uslijedila tematizirani su načini na koje bi se one mogle osuvremeniti odnosno prilagoditi aktualnim prilikama.

Aktivnost se odvijala u okviru projekta „Promjene rodnih odnosa u Hrvatskoj“ (NextGenderHR), koji se provodi na Institutu društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar i financira sredstvima Europske unije iz programa NextGenerationEU. Izlaganje i rasprava koja je uslijedila pridonijeli su ostvarivanju projektnih aktivnosti koje se tiču izrade skale nove muškosti i nove ženskosti. Nova skala primijenit će se u provedbi anketnog ispitivanja sa studentskom populacijom u dva hrvatska sveučilišna grada (Zagreb i Split).

Projekt NextGenderHR

Presentation by Iva Žunić, mag. soc., mag. psych., on the scales of masculinity and femininity, February 8, 2024.

As part of the ‘Methodological Topics’ cycle of the Split branch of the Croatian Sociological Association, assistant at the Pilar Institute and associate of the NextGenderHR project, Iva Žunić, mag. soc., mag. psych., held a videoconference presentation entitled “Analysis of measuring instruments of masculinity and femininity”. The presentation was held on February 8, 2024.



A critical overview of selected existing scales of masculinity and femininity used in various gender-related research studies was presented. In the discussion that followed, ways in which these measuring instruments could be modernized or adapted to current circumstances were brought into focus.

This activity took place within the framework of the project ‘Changes in gender relations in Croatia’ (NextGenderHR), which is carried out at the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences and financed by the European Union’s NextGenerationEU programme. Iva Žunić’s presentation and the discussion that followed contributed to the implementation of project activities related to the creation of a scale of new masculinity and new femininity. This new scale will be implemented in a survey with the student population in two larger Croatian university cities (Zagreb and Split).

Project NextGenderHR

Područni centar Split

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