Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić na radionici “Citizenships and Identifications in Europe” (CITIDEN), Sveučilište u Bologni, 17.-18. 11. 2022.

Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić sudjelovala je od 17. do 18. studenoga na Sveučilištu u Bologni, Italija, na radionici kojom završava mrežni projekt “Citizenships and Identifications in Europe (CITIDEN)”

CITIDEN je mrežni projekt kojeg je cilj razumijevanje razvoja koncepata povezanih s građanstvom iz interdisciplinarnih analiza. Projekt je organiziran oko dviju glavnih osi: prva se bavi građanstvom i identifikacijama s fokusom na fenomene identiteta, a druga pojmovima građanstva i mobilnosti te nudi opće razmišljanje o evoluciji građanstva u svijetu koji se mijenja. Projekt se sastoji od mreže s akademskim i neakademskim partnerima čija je želja otvoriti prostore za dijalog i razmjenu te omogućiti širenje inovativnih sadržaja znanstvenicima i akterima civilnoga društva. Podržan je od strane Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies u okviru poziva za podnošenje prijedloga i prijava „Međunarodne mreže“ za razdoblje od 18 mjeseci (srpanj 2021. – prosinac 2022.), s ciljem razvijanja međunarodne mreže istraživača oko projekta. Uz Institut postoje još četiri akademska partnera:

– Sveučilište u Giessenu (Njemačka)
– Sveučilište u Innsbrucku (Austrija)
– Sveučilište u Bologni u Forliju (Italija)
– Sveučilište u Luksemburgu (Luksemburg)

Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić

Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić at the Citizenships and Identifications in Europe (CITIDEN) workshop at the University of Bologna, 17-18 November 2022

Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić took part in a workshop concluding the network project “Citizenships and Identifications in Europe (CITIDEN)” from 17th to 18th November at the University of Bologna, Italy

CITIDEN is a network project which aims to understand the evolution of citizenship related concepts from interdisciplinary analyses and is organized around two main axes: the first one deals with citizenship and identifications with a focus on identity phenomena; the second one deals with the notions of citizenship and mobilities, which offers a general reflection on the evolution of citizenship in a changing world. The project is constituted of a network with academic and non-academic partners whose aim is to open spaces for dialogues and exchanges allowing the dissemination of innovative content to scholars and civil society actors. It is supported by the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies in the framework of its “International Networks” call for proposals and applications for a period of 18 months (July 2021 – December 2022), in order to develop an international network of researchers around the project. Alongside the Institute are four more academic partners:

– The University of Giessen (Germany)
– The University of Innsbruck (Austria)
– The University of Bologna in Forli (Italy)
– The University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić

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