Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić na Europskom forumu Alpbach, 21. 8. – 2. 9. 2022.

Svake godine se u austrijskim Alpama na Europskom forumu Alpbach susreću međunarodni dionici iz znanosti, politike, gospodarstva i kulture te stotine mladih stipendista iz Europe i šire. Ove godine Forum se održao od 21. kolovoza do 2. rujna 2022. pod naslovom NEW EUROPE. Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić u funkciji članice odbora Zaklade Europskog foruma Alpbach preuzela je razne zadaće na Forumu, između ostalog kao govornica i moderatorica

Dr. sc. Hornstein Tomić bila je moderatorica panela “Integration in the Face of the Ukraine Crisis: Ways to Move Forward” u suorganizaciji Austrijskog fonda za integraciju. Panel je istraživao austrijsku politiku integracije i lekcije naučene iz prethodnih godina. Govornici na panelu bili su Bogdana Schnabl, Austrijski fond za integraciju, dr. Susanne Raab, Federalno ministarstvo za žene, obitelj, integraciju i medije te stručnjaci za migracije prof. dr. Gudrun Biffl, Dunavsko sveučilište u Kremsu i dr. Thomas Liebig, Odjel za međunarodne migracije u Organizaciji za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj (OECD). Dr. Hornstein Tomić također je sudjelovala na panel raspravi na temu „Diversity from an intersectional perspective“, kao i na dva stručna skupa „“Building a European Civics Space” i “The EU Must Think Big Again – Boosting European Security, Designing Strategies for the Balkans”.

Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić at the European Forum Alpbach

Every year, international stakeholders from science, politics, business and culture, and hundreds of young scholarship holders from Europe and beyond meet at the European Forum Alpbach in the Austrian Alps. This year, the Forum took place from 21st August to September 2nd under the headline NEW EUROPE. Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić in her function as member of the European Forum Alpbach Foundation Board assumed a variety of tasks at the Forum, amongst them as speaker, moderator, facilitator, and host

Dr. Hornstein Tomić hosted and moderated the panel “Integration in the Face of the Ukraine Crisis: Ways to Move Forward” co-organized with the Austrian Integration Fund. The panel explored Austria’s integration policy and lessons learned from previous years. Speakers at the panel were Bogdana Schnabl, The Austrian Integration Fund, Dr. Susanne Raab, Federal Minister for Women, Family, Integration and Media, the migration experts Prof. Dr. Gudrun Biffl, Danube University Krems, and Dr. Thomas Liebig, International Migration Division at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Dr. Hornstein Tomić also participated as a speaker in a panel discussion about “Diversity from an intersectional perspective”, as well as in two expert retreats “Building a European Civics Space” and “The EU Must Think Big Again – Boosting European Security, Designing Strategies for the Balkans”.

Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić

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