Dr. sc. Danijel Vojak na stručnom sastanku u Vijeću Europe, 2.-3. 11. 2021.

Dr. sc. Danijel Vojak sudjelovao je 2. studenoga 2021. kao izlagač online na temu „Croatia’s Roma curriculum in 2020/2021 curricula reform“ u sesiji „Inclusion of the history of Roma and/or Travellers in school curricula and teaching materials“ na 12th Meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma And Traveller civil society – “Teaching the history of Roma and Travellers”

Program 12th Meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma And Traveller civil society – “Teaching the history of Roma and Travellers”, Strasbourg, 2-3 November 2021

Stručni sastanak održan je 2. i 3. studenoga 2021. u Vijeću Europe u Strasbourgu.

Dr. sc. Danijel Vojak

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