CSRP timovi na online konferenciji 15th Research Conference on Homelessness, 24. 9. 2021.

U okviru 15. Europske konferencije o beskućništvu održane online 24. rujna 2021. godine, koju su organizirali FEANTSE i EOH-a (European Observatory on Homelessness), Matthias Drilling i Lynette Šikić-Mićanović predsjedali su sesijom “Etnografske metode u istraživanju beskućništva: refleksije, izazovi i vrijednosti“. Fokus seminara je bio na etnografiji kao metodi istraživanja beskućništva te razmjena iskustava, prilika i izazova etnografske metodologije u ovom području istraživanja

U sklopu seminara, Esther Mühlethaler i Paula Greiner održale su prezentaciju “Using Ethnographic Methods in Homelessness Research – comparing Swiss and Croatian research experiences” koja se bavila vrijednostima etnografije u istraživanju beskućništva, usporedbom švicarskih i hrvatskih iskustva te dilemama s kojima su se istraživački timovi susreli tijekom terenskog rada. Rad je izrađen u sklopu projekta Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1). Projekt je financiran u okviru Hrvatsko-švicarskoga istraživačkog programa Hrvatske zaklade za znanost i Švicarske nacionalne zaklade za znanost putem sredstava Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje.

– Program: https://www.feantsa.org/en/conference-presentations/2021/09/24/15th-european-research-conference-postponed-to-2021
– Seminar: https://www.feantsa.org/public/user/Observatory/2021/Research_Conference/EOH_Research_Conference__SEMINAR_15.pdf

CSRP teams at the 15th Research Conference on Homelessness, 24th September 2021

As part of the 15th European Conference on Homelessness hosted by FEANTSA and EOH (European Observatory on Homelessness) Matthias Drilling and Lynette Šikić-Mićanović chaired a session entitled “Ethnographic Methods in Homelessness Research: Reflections, Challenges and Values” held online on 24th September 2021. The focus of this seminar was on ethnography as a method of researching homelessness as well as the exchange of experiences, opportunities and the challenges of ethnographic methodology in this area of research

As part of the seminar, Esther Mühlethaler and Paula Greiner presented “Using ethnographic methods in homelessness research – comparing Swiss and Croatian research experiences” which dealt with the values of ethnography in homelessness research, comparing Swiss and Croatian experiences as well as the dilemmas encountered by research teams during fieldwork. This is part of the joint research project: Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1). This work is financed within the Croatian-Swiss Research Program of the Croatian Science Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation with funds obtained from the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program.

– Conference programme: https://www.feantsa.org/en/conference-presentations/2021/09/24/15th-european-research-conference-postponed-to-2021
– Seminar: https://www.feantsa.org/public/user/Observatory/2021/Research_Conference/EOH_Research_Conference__SEMINAR_15.pdf

Istraživanje beskućništva i puteva do socijalne inkluzije | Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion

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