Online panel diskusija Immigration into Eastern Europe: new challenges, 27. 7. 2020.

London School of Economics i Ratiu Forum organiziraju online panel diskusije na temu 20:20 Visions: Conversations on the Future of Democracy. U panel diskusiji 27. srpnja 2020. u 14 sati na temu Immigration into Eastern Europe: New Challenges sudjeluje dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, znanstvena savjetnica Instituta društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar

The London School of Economics and the Ratiu Forum are organizing a series of online conversations: 20:20 Visions: Conversations on the Future of Democracy address current challenges to democracy faced by Central and Eastern Europe. The next conversations on July 27th at 14 CET will focus on Immigration into Eastern Europe: new challenges. The panelists are Remus Anghel (Babes-Bolyaj University, Romania), Michal Garapich (University of Roehampton), Caroline Hornstein Tomić (Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Croatia), and Inta Mierina (University of Latvia).

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