Projekt CSRP: Održana treća radionica Coding ethnographic material and preparation of the 2nd round of fieldwork, 18.-21. 1. 2020.

U ISOS-u (Institute for Social Planning, Organizational Change and Urban Development University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland) od 18. do 21. siječnja 2020. održana je treća radionica Coding ethnographic material and preparation of the 2nd round of fieldwork, sa švicarskim istraživačkim timom u Baselu

Program radionice Coding ethnographic material and preparation of the 2nd round of fieldwork, 18.-21. 1. 2020.

Tijekom ove četverodnevne radionice raspravljalo se o kodovima iz istraživačkih materijala i što je potrebno istražiti u drugom krugu terenskog rada za projekt: Istraživanje beskućništva i putova do socijalne uključenosti: komparativna studija konteksta i izazova u švicarskim i hrvatskim gradovima (No. IZHRZO_180631 / 1). Također su razmotrena iskustva na terenu, dileme, izazovi s kojima su se timovi susretali od našega posljednjeg sastanka. Projekt je financiran u okviru Hrvatsko–švicarskoga istraživačkog programa Hrvatske zaklade za znanost i Švicarske nacionalne zaklade za znanost putem sredstava Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje. Voditelj švicarskog tima je prof. dr. sc. Matthias Drilling, Institute for Social Planning, Organizational Change and Urban Development, University of Applied Sciences, Northwestern, a hrvatski tim vodila je dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović iz Instituta Ivo Pilar.

CSRP Project: Workshop 3 Coding ethnographic material and preparation of the 2nd round of fieldwork, 18-21 January 2020

The third CSRP workshop with the Swiss research team Coding ethnographic material and preparation of the 2nd round of fieldwork was held at the Institute Social Planning, Organisational Change and Urban Development ISOS, University of Applied Sciences & Arts, Northwestern on 18-21 January 2020 in Basel, Switzerland

Workshop programme Coding ethnographic material and preparation of the 2nd round of fieldwork, 18-21 January 2020.

In collaboration with the Swiss research team, the codes that have been generated from research materials and what needs to be explored in the second round of fieldwork were discussed during this four-day workshop for the project: Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631 / 1). Fieldwork experiences, dilemmas, challenges that teams have encountered since our last meeting were also discussed. This project is financed within the Croatian-Swiss Research Program of the Croatian Science Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation with funds obtained from the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program. The principal investigator of the Swiss team is Prof. Dr. Matthias Drilling from the Institute for Social Planning, Organizational Change and Urban Development, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, while the Croatian team from the Pilar Institute is led by Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović.

Projekt Istraživanje beskućništva i puteva do socijalne inkluzije

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