Dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović na ASA konferenciji Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges, 3.-6. 9. 2019.

U okviru međunarodne konferencije ASA Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges, održane u Norwichu na Sveučilištu u Istočnoj Angliji od 3. do 6. rujna 2019., dr. sc. Lynette Šikić Mićanović s dr. sc. Maricom Marinović Golubić održala je izlaganje na panelu A13: Ethics, power and consent in ethnographic fieldwork.O konferenciji | Program konferencije

Prezentacija pod nazivom „Reflections on power and positionality in research relationships with homeless people at different field sites“ pripremljena je u sklopu projekta Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1). Projekt je financiran u okviru Hrvatsko-švicarskoga istraživačkog programa Hrvatske zaklade za znanost i Švicarske nacionalne zaklade za znanost putem sredstava Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje.

Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović at the ASA Conference Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges on 3 – 6 September 2019

The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth’s 2019 conference Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges was held at the University of East Anglia from September 3-6, 2019 in Norwich. Dr. Lynette Šikić Mićanović with Dr. Marica Marinovic Golubic presented their work in Panel A13: Ethics, Power and Consent in Ethnographic Fieldwork. Conference | Programme

This paper “Reflections on Power and Positionality in Research Relations with Homeless People at Different Field Sites” is part of the joint research project: Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Contexts and Challenges in Swiss and Croatian Cities (No. IZHRZO_180631/1). This work is financed within the Croatian-Swiss Research Program of the Croatian Science Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation with funds obtained from the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program.”

Projekt Exploring Homelessness and Pathways to Social Inclusion

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