Dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić: Way out of the Matrix? Revisiting Knowledge Production in Migration Studies, 7. 4. 2022.

Dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić održala je 7. travnja 2022. godine predavanje u sklopu studijskog boravka pri Sveučilištu Özyeğin u Istanbulu pod nazivom “Way out of the Matrix? Revisiting Knowledge Production in Migration Studies”

Predavanje je sastavni dio znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta kojega dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić provodi na Sveučilištu Özyeğin uz financijsku potporu turske zaklade za znanosti (TÜBITAK, BIDEB, 2221-Fellowship Program for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave, 2021/6).

Link za registriranje na službenoj web stranici sveučilišta:

You are cordially invited to Dr. Sandra Cvikić’s lecture on “Way out of the Matrix? Revisiting Knowledge Production in Migration Studies”

Date: 7 April 2022 Thursday

Time: 15:00-16:30

Room: AB2 Room G02


Premised on a critical qualitative sociological inquiry into scholarly/expert knowledge production in Turkey about Syrian refugeedom on the Balkan Route since the 2015/2016 European migration crisis/refugee crisis this lecture presents a balanced study of knowledge production and the global process of refugeedom while bridging epistemological, methodological, and empirical divergences between critical sociology/sociology of knowledge and migration studies. More so, it provides an insight into how and what kind of scholarly/expert knowledge was produced by Turkish scholars/experts, and to what extent their research findings converge with data collected by their international counterparts. The preliminary research findings have so far unraveled elements of the unknown and unanticipated leaving this critical sociological endeavor open-ended and deeply engaged with the moral, while in a constant struggle to resist the centrifugal forces of contemporary knowledge production about Syrian refugeedom. Therefore, the aim of this lecture is to introduce a subaltern experimental way of doing critical qualitative sociological research in migrations studies – one that is detached from the powerful structural dependency on the hegemony of the Global North knowledge discourse.

Dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić
Područni centar Vukovar

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