Dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić: IN AND OUT OF REFUGEE CRISIS – 1990s vs. 2015/2016, 29. 3. 2022.

U sklopu studijskog boravka pri Sveučilištu Özyeğin u Istanbulu dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić održala je 29. ožujka 2022. seminar pod nazivom IN AND OUT OF REFUGEE CRISIS – 1990s vs. 2015/2016

Seminar je sastavni dio znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta kojega dr. sc. Cvikić provodi na Sveučilištu Özyeğin uz financijsku potporu turske zaklade za znanosti (TÜBITAK, BIDEB, 2221-Fellowship Program for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave, 2021/6).

Link objave poziva na služenoj mrežnoj starnici sveučilišta: https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/etkinlikler/20228


In this seminar dr. Sandra Cvikić will present a study case, discussing forced migration/refugee issues related to two important instances – during the Croatian war of defense in the 1990s and the European refugee/migration crisis in 2015/2016. Two different socio-political contexts will be compared/contrasted against the background of international humanitarian responses to the refugee/migration crisis at different historical vantage points involving Croatian citizens and international refugees/migrants. The aim is to critically approach issues of contemporary forced migration and refugeedom, and to convey to students how today’s citizenship as a safety net of every citizen belonging to a nation state is dangerously compromised by unpredictable shifts in global power-relations that can almost instantaneously change life of every single person in the world.

Dr. sc. Sandra Cvikić

Područni centar Vukovar

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