Poziv zainteresiranim znanstvenicima i istraživačima za istraživačke posjete partnerskim institucijama!

Institut Pilar, kao partner na projektu Coordinate (Obzor 2020), objavljuje poziv za istraživačke posjete partnerskim institucijama. Poziv je prvenstveno namijenjen znanstvenicima, doktorandima i postdoktorandima koji se bave istraživanjima djece i mladih

Više informacija i poveznice za prijavu

COORDINATE Transnational Access Visits Call for researchers and Webinars

On 25th January 2022, the first call for Transnational Access Visits applications will open. This scheme will enable researchers and policy practitioners in the area of children and youth wellbeing to visit research infrastructures and access international birth cohort, panel and cross-sectional survey data. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to spend from one to three working weeks at one of the eight partner institutions, gain access to data, conduct their own research, benefit from the support of local experts, and expand their skills. Applicants’ travel costs, accommodation, and subsistence will be reimbursed up to 1,250 EUR per week as specified in the call. The deadline for applying is February 25th 2022.

The call is open to academic researchers (including PhD students), policy practitioners, or other researchers from not-for-profit organisations or registered companies in EU and associated countries. For more information on the call and full list of host institutions and available datasets, see https://www.coordinate-network.eu/transnational-visits.


To provide more information to anyone who is considering the call, COORDINATE will host two webinars to present the host institutions, resources, and datasets which will be available as part of the transnational access visit scheme.

1st Transnational Access Visits Pitch, 26 January 2022 at 14:00 CET – presenting European Centre, IPSOS, and University College Dublin. More information and registration here.
2nd Transnational Access Visits Pitch, 2 February 2022 at 14:00 CET – presenting Centerdata, INED, and University of Essex. More information and registration here.
For more information on the COORDINATE Project (COhort cOmmunity Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe), see https://www.coordinate-network.eu/.


Također provjeri

Projektna suradnja Instituta Pilar i Državnog arhiva u Bjelovaru; Zagreb, 12. 7. 2024.

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