Objavljen elaborat Marine Kotrla Topić i Marine Perković Kovačević KIDS’ DIGITAL LIVES IN COVID-19 TIMES

U Biblioteci Elaborati Instituta društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar objavljeno je nacionalno izvješće dr. sc. Marine Kotrla Topić i dr. sc. Marine Perković Kovačević pod naslovom KIDS’ DIGITAL LIVES IN COVID-19 TIMES: Digital practices, safety and well-being of the 6- to 12-year-olds.
Puni tekst elaborata




Marina Kotrla Topić – Marina Perković Kovačević
Digital practices, safety and well-being of the 6- to 12-year-olds
A qualitative study – National report – CROATIA
Biblioteka ELABORATI
Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar
Zagreb, svibanj 2021. – 60 str.
ISBN 978-953-7964-98-6



I. Executive summary
Key findings
II. Introduction
III. Methodology
The sampling procedure
The sample
Implementation of the interview protocol
Implementation of the analysis protocol
Discussion of methodology
IV. Country portrait in COVID-19 times
V. Family Portrait Gallery
Family HR1
Family HR2
Family HR3
Family HR4
Family HR5
Family HR6
Family HR7
Family HR8
Family HR9
Family HR10
VI. Findings
1. How do children aged 6-12 engage with digital technologies during this specific time in the interviewed families?
2. How did the lock-down disrupt or change the children’s and families’ behavior and activities related to technologies?
3. What are the children’s and parents’ attitudes towards digital technology use and online activities during the lock-down?
4. How did the lock-down disrupt or change the children’s and families’ attitudes towards digital technology and online activities? How do parents perceive the associated risks and opportunities?
5. What impacts are expected in the future?
6. Surprising findings
VII. Conclusions
VIII. References
IX. Appendix

Puni tekst elaborata

Iz recenzija

Kids’ digital lives in Covid-19 times – Digital practices, safety and well-being of the 6- to 12-year-olds is a work that gives important insight to scientists, experts, parents and the interested public on the topic of using digital technologies at the time of pandemics. A qualitative approach allows a deeper understanding of the topic and the active participation of children in middle childhood.

Assoc. Prof. Daniela Šincek
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

The report provides insights into children’s and families’ digital practices during the first lockdown caused by the Covid pandemic. Thanks to the richness of the qualitative dataset, some lessons learned arise from which researchers draw recommendations for policymakers regarding parents’ and children’s perspective on remote schooling. Parents can also find inspiring elements for parenting in Covid times. (…) The Croatian qualitative research illustrated in this report is a decisive piece of work in the European landscape described by the KiDiCoTi project.

For the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Stéphane Chaudron and Rosanna Di Gioia

Projekt KiDiCoTi

Područni centar Osijek


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