Dr. sc. Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić na konferenciji Nonreligion in a Complex Future; Ottawa, 16.-18. 6. 2021.

U razdoblju od 16. do 18. lipnja 2021. u Ottawi u Kanadi održana je u online formatu konferencija Nonreligion in a Complex Future u organizaciji Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network. Znanstvena suradnica dr. sc. Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić sudjelovala je na konferenciji s izlaganjem Nonreligious Organizations in Croatia: Online Strategies.Program sa sažecima

Program konferencije Nonreligion in a Complex Future; Ottawa, 16.-18. 6. 2021.

Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network (NRSN) međunarodna je interdisciplinarna mreža istraživača. NRSN je osnovana 2008. godine kako bi se centralizirala postojeća istraživanja na temu nereligije i sekularnosti i kako bi se olakšala rasprava među stručnjacima u ovom području.

Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić: Nonreligious Organizations in Croatia: Online Strategies

A small community of nonreligious peoples began to organize in highly religious Croatian society about fifteen years ago. This community today is comprised of five tightly knit formal (legally registered) associations and four loosely connected informal groups. Starting from three theoretical perspectives on organized nonreligiosity and atheism (identity theory, cultural approach to social movements theory, and mediatization theory), this paper’s aim is to analyze various strategies these organizations employ in the context of their online activities. The present study is based on deductive or directed qualitative content analysis which identifies key categories already described in theory and tries to apply them in the Croatian social context, seeking new insights and a deeper understanding. The analysis includes materials posted on web pages and official Facebook pages of nonreligious and atheistic organizations in Croatia. Materials were analyzed with respect to five predetermined concepts or strategies: competitiveness/cooperation, minority discourse, religious mimicry/fabrication, inversion, and association/revitalization.

Područni centar Duvrovnik

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