Dr. sc. Sanja Špoljar Vržina na konferenciji ANTHROPOLOGICAL LEGACIES…

Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Špoljar Vržina održala je na međunarodnoj konferenciji Anthropological Legacies and Human Futures – 14th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference u Milanu, Italija (20.-23.srpnja 2016.) predavanje pod naslovom Some Sorrows of a Croatian “World Anthropologist”: Trying to Nurture the “Floating Concept” Amidst Epistemicides of Metropolitain Provincialist’s and Croatian Provincial Cosmopolitanist’s. Predavanje je održano u sklopu zajedničkog simpozija krovnih antropoloških organizacija (Internacionalne unije antropoloških i etnoloških znanosti, IUAES i Svjetskog vijeća antropoloških asocijacija, WCAA) pod vodstvom prof. dr. sc. Faye V. Harrison, predsjednice IUAES-a i prof. dr. sc. Chandane Mathur, predsjedavajuće WCAA-a

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Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Špoljar Vržina on the Conference ANTHROPOLOGICAL LEGACIES…

Prof. dr. sc. Sanja Špoljar Vržina presented her lecture at the International Conference Anthropological Legacies and Human Futures – 14th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference held in Milan, Italy, 20th – 23rd July 2016, under the title Some Sorrows of a Croatian „World Anthropologist“: Trying to Nurture the „Floating Concept“ Amidst Epistemicides of Metropolitain Provincialist’s and Croatian Provincial Cosmopolitanist’s. The lecture was held within the joint symposium of the major anthropological associations, the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, IUAES and the World Council of Anthropological Associations, WCAA, organized and led by prof. dr. sc. Faye V. Harrison (President of IUAES) and prof. dr. sc. Chandana Mathur (Chair of WCAA).

Photo/Source of photos: Professor Faye V. Harrison (President of the IUAES/International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences/ University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign) and Professor William L. Conwill (University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign)

>>> http://www.easaonline.org/conferences/easa2016/theme.shtml 
>>> http://www.iuaes.org/ex_board_faye.html
>>> http://www.afro.illinois.edu/people/spotlight/harrison/ 



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