U okviru međunarodne konferencije MIC – VIS, 2024. održane od 18. do 22. rujna 2024. na Visu dr. sc. Lynette Šikić-Mićanović prezentirala je rad “Negotiating constraints: how leisure influences gendered identities in Croatia”
Kvalitativna studija pokušava opisati kako se dogovara slobodno vrijeme između žena i muškaraca u Hrvatskoj te kako norme ograničavaju, ali i oblikuju njihovo slobodno vrijeme. S ciljem razumijevanja načina na koji se pregovara o ograničenjima, ova je prezentacija također pokazala kako se slobodno vrijeme percipira i doživljava u svakodnevnom kontekstu.
Izlaganje je dio projekta Promjene rodnih odnosa u Hrvatskoj, NextGenderHR (01/08-73/23-2519-9) koji provodi Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, a financira se sredstvima Europske Unije iz programa NexGenerationEU.
Project NextGenderHR: Dr. Lynette Šikić-Mićanović presented project results at the International conference MIC – VIS, 18 – 22 September 2024.
As part of the the international conference MIC – VIS, 2024 held from 18 -22 September 2024 on the island of Vis, dr. Lynette Šikić-Mićanović, prezentirala rad “Negotiating constraints: how leisure influences gendered identities in Croatia”
This qualitative study attempts to describe how leisure time among women and men in Croatia is negotiated and how norms constrain but also shape women’s leisure. With the aim of understanding how constraints are negotiated, this presentation also showed how leisure time is perceived and experienced in everyday contexts
This presentation, is part of the project “Changes in Gender Relations in Croatia,” NextGenderHR (01/08-73/23-2519-9), which is conducted at the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences and funded by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU program.