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Croatia´s potential: (Re)migration, (temporary) return, and change agency of a young high-skilled generation

Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar u razdoblju od 15. 1. 2021. do 31. 3. 2022. provodi pilot studiju „Croatia´s potential: (Re)migration, (temporary) return, and change agency of a young high-skilled generation“ koji financira zaklada Konrad Adenauer. Voditeljica istraživačkog projekta je dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić a asistentice na istraživačkoj studiji… Pročitaj više o Croatia´s potential: (Re)migration, (temporary) return, and change agency of a young high-skilled generation


Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić na kongresu „Coming of Age on Earth: Legacies and Next Generation Anthropology“, 9.-14. 3. 2021.

Od 9. do 14. ožujka 2021. održan je kongres „Coming of Age on Earth: Legacies and Next Generation Anthropology“ u organizaciji Međunarodne unije antropoloških i etnoloških znanosti (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, IUAES) IUAES je svjetska organizacija znanstvenika i institucija koji djeluju u području antropologije i etnologije. Cilj… Pročitaj više o Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić na kongresu „Coming of Age on Earth: Legacies and Next Generation Anthropology“, 9.-14. 3. 2021.


ProWell – Protecting the mental well being of our children during and after public health emergencies – digital training for teachers and educators

S početkom 1. ožujka 2021. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar provodi dvogodišnji projekt “ProWell – Protecting the mental well being of our children during and after public health emergencies – digital training for teachers and educators”. Voditeljica projekta je dr. sc. Renata Glavak Tkalić. – Novosti Trenutna pandemija COVID-19 poremetila… Pročitaj više o ProWell – Protecting the mental well being of our children during and after public health emergencies – digital training for teachers and educators