Dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić suorganizirala je i moderirala dva panela NECE Festivala o građanskom obrazovanju u Europi, koji je održan od 30. studenog do 2. prosinca 2023. godine u Madridu. Ovogodišnja tema festivala “BUDUĆNOSTI” stavila je fokus na buduće izazove s kojima će se građanski edukatori/ce u Europi suočavati i identificirala načine za njihovo rješavanje
Caroline Hornstein Tomić je sumoderirala dva panela; tema prvog bila je budućnost građanskog obrazovanja, a tema drugog bila je detaljnije istražiti značaj migracija unutar i van Europe.
NECE Festival je godišnje europsko okupljanje dionika iz civilnog društva, politike, akademske zajednice, medija i kulture u svrhu interaktivne i interdisciplinarne razmjene ideja i djelovanja. THE CIVICS Innovation Hub je organizirao NECE Festival.
Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, co-organized and moderated two panels at the annual NECE Festival of Civic Education in Europe, which was held from 30 November to 2 December 2023 in Madrid. This years´ festival topic “FUTURES” highlighted the future challenges civic educators in Europe are facing, and identified ways to overcome them
Caroline Hornstein Tomic co-hosted and co-moderated the panel “Foresight & civic education: Building bridges into the FUTURE” and the panel “Shifting landscapes: Exploring migration in Europe and beyond”.
The annual NECE Festival brings together stakeholders from civil society, politics, academia, media, and culture for an interactive and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and actions on civic education. The NECE Festival is organized by THE CIVICS Innovation Hub.