Dimenzije „Povratka“. (Re-)Migracije i transformacija u istočnoj Europi

Izvorni naslov projekta na njemačkom jeziku: Dimensionen des „Zurück“. (Re-) Migration und Transformation im östlichen Europa)
Trajanje projekta: rujan 2021. – prosinac 2023.

Kratki opis projekta

Projekt istražuje povijesne procese i sociokulturnu dinamiku povratka, remigracije i transformacije te njihov međusobni odnos u istočnoj Europi. Na temelju kvalitativnog i desk-istraživanja (intervjui, analiza sekundarnih izvora, politika i medijskih diskursa) i analize bogate literature (znanstvenih i fikcionalnih) i vizualnih materijala (tj. filma), projekti bacaju svjetlo na uzroke i posljedice i iskustva povratka i remigracije u istočnu Europu s posebnim naglaskom na razdoblje transformacije od kasnih 1980-ih. Povijesno-antropološki, sociološko/socijalno-antropološki i kulturno-antropološki pristupi pružaju višeslojni transdisciplinarni pogled na fenomen povratka i remigracije.

Projekt nadograđuje i proširuje prethodnu knjigu koju su 2018. godine (LIT Verlag, Beč) uredili dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić / Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar (voditeljica projekta), dr. Robert Pichler/ Austrijska akademija znanosti ÖAW i dr. Sarah Scholl-Schneider/ Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz; http://www.erstestiftung.org/en/publications/remigration-to-post-socialist-europe/). Kao istraživački tim sada su dobili zadatak da napišu knjigu (na njemačkom jeziku) u nakladi kuće Wallstein Verlag, koju će naknadno licencirati Savezna agencija za građansko obrazovanje (https://www.bpb.de/shop/buecher/schriftenreihe/). Izdavačka kuća Wallstein Verlag i Agencija su partneri u projektu. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar i Austrijska akademija znanosti potpisali su ugovor o suradnji za rad na projektu, uključujući razmjenu i gostovanje istraživača u obje institucije, desk-istraživanje i prezentaciju napretka projekta. Projektni partneri u Hrvatskoj organizirat će znanstvenu stručnu radionicu krajem 2022./početkom 2023. godine.

Dimensions of „Return“. (Re-) Migration and Transformation in Eastern Europe

Original title in German: Dimensionen des „Zurück“. (Re-) Migration und Transformation im östlichen Europa
Project duration: September 2021 – December 2023
Short project description:

The project explores historical processes and socio-cultural dynamics of return, remigration, and transformation, and how they interrelate in Eastern Europe. Based on qualitative and desk research (interviews, analysis of secondary sources, of policies and media discourses), and on analysis of a rich body of literature (both scientific and fictional) and of visual materials (i.e. film), the projects sheds light on the causes and consequences and on experiences of return and remigration to Eastern Europe with a specific emphasis on the transformation period since the late 1980s. Historical-anthropological, sociological/ social anthropological, and cultural-anthropological approaches are providing a multi-layered transdisciplinary view on the phenomenon of return and remigration.

The project builds up on and further expands a previous book edited in 2018 (LIT Verlag, Vienna) by dr. sc. Caroline Hornstein Tomić / Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (project lead), Dr. Robert Pichler/ Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW, and Dr. Sarah Scholl-Schneider/ Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz; http://www.erstestiftung.org/en/publications/remigration-to-post-socialist-europe/). As research team they now have been commissioned to author a book (in German language) by Wallstein Verlag, which subsequently will be licensed by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (https://www.bpb.de/shop/buecher/schriftenreihe/). Both, Wallstein Verlag and the Agency are partners in the project. The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar and the Austrian Academy of Sciences have signed a cooperation agreement for the work on the project, including exchange and hosting of the researchers at both institutions, for desk research and presentations of the project progress. A scientific expert workshop will be organized by the project partners in Croatia in late 2022/ early 2023.

Projekti Instituta Pilar

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