Objavljena knjiga “Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe”

U izdanju nakladničke kuće Lexington Books iz SAD-a objavljena je knjiga Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe: Historical Perspectives urednika Hrvoja Petrića i Ivane Žebec Šilj. – Iz recenzije | Sadržaj


LEXINGTON BOOKS: Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe: Historical Perspectives

Kroz 12 poglavlja knjiga predstavlja uspon i razvoj zaštite okoliša, povijest okoliša kao discipline i povijest okolišnih pokreta u Središnjoj i Jugoistočnoj Europi iz međunarodne perspektive. Autori poglavlja, znanstvenici iz Velike Britanije, Italije, Austrije, Slovenije, Hrvatske, Slovačke, Rumunjske, Srbije, Grčke i Turske, pokrili su široku lepezu tema od uspostave zaštićenih područja, razvoja ekološke svijesti do evolucije čovjekova odnosa prema okolišu i percepciji okoliša kroz različite discipline. Međunarodni pristup rasvjetljava složen povijesni razvoj spomenutog područja od 18. do 20. stoljeća. Tri povijesno različite tradicije – habsburška, osmanska i mletačka uzajamno se prožimaju na ovom području te knjiga naglašava suptilnosti tih ponekad isprepletenih tradicija. Zastupljene teme variraju s obzirom na različit fizičko-geografski okoliš, obilježja regije i, naravno, protagoniste koji su aktivno sudjelovali u promjeni odnosa prema okolišu. Zajedničko svim poglavljima jest međutim povijesni kontinuitet što je i naglasak izdanja.

Iz recenzije

This is an unmatched book that opens up the environmental histories of various modern countries from the eighteenth century to the present. Both an intellectual history of how people have thought about their environments and a material history of how they have lived with them, the empirical stories offered here reveal an enormous amount about Central and Southeastern Europe and offer environmental historians of other places and times new ideas for thinking about the role of nature in history and the role of history in nature. This study is an important contribution to global environmental history. — Alan Mikhail, Yale University


Preface, Ivana Žebec Šilj
Introduction, Hrvoje Petrić and Ivana Žebec Šilj

Part I: Environmentalism and Environmental Movements

Chapter 1: Where Technology and Environmentalism Meet: The Remaking of the Austrian Danube for Hydropower, Angelika Schoder and Martin Schmid
Chapter 2: Environmental Thought in Slovenia, Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Aleš Smrekar, and Matija Zorn
Chapter 3: Civil Society and Environmental Protection NGOs in Croatia, 1989–2014, Vladimir Lay and Jelena Puđak
Chapter 4: Religion and Ecology in Croatia, Vine Mihaljević
Chapter 5: Something Old, Something New: Historical Geography and Environmental History Discourse in Serbia, Jelena Mrgić
Chapter 6: Environmental Narratives and Sociopolitical Agendas in Greece in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Vaso Seirinidou
Chapter 7: The History of Environmental Movements and the Development of Environmental thought in Turkey, 1850–1980, Selçuk Dursun

Part II: Nature Protection and Specific Landscapes

Chapter 8: Man and Nature in Central Europe during the Long Nineteenth Century from the Slovak Point of View, Roman Holec
Chapter 9: Protecting the Alps: Italian-Protected Areas in the Alpine Range, 1911–91, Luigi Piccioni
Chapter 10: The Origins and Developmental Course of Plitvice Lakes National Park: From “The Devil’s Garden” to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Register, Ivan Brlić and Anita Tonković Bušljeta
Chapter 11: Contrasting the “Sunny Side”: Goli otok and the Islandness of a Political Prison in the Croatian Adriatic Sea, Milica Prokić
Chapter 12: The Development of the Concept of Forest Sustainability in Transylvania, the Banat, Bukovina, Moldavia, and Wallachia until 1918, Dorin Ioan Rus

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