Društvena istraživanja

Vol 32, No 4 (2023): 162

Table of Contents


Aleksandar Štulhofer, Ivan Landripet, Goran Koletić
Chris Pentz, Ronel du Preez, Martin Kidd, Benjamin Lategan, Mirna Leko Šimić, Marisa Ferreira, Ana Borges, Maurice Murphy, Marija Čutura
Marina Štambuk, Margarita Bahmatova Nerlović, Kristina Komšo, Antonela Miholić, Lara Spajić
Tihana Brkljačić
Mislav Stjepan Čagalj, Branimir Vukosav, Denis Radoš
Zeynep Gizem Can, Ufuk Can
Hasan Tutar, Ahmet Tuncay Erdem, Ferruh Tuzcuoğlu, Selçuk Nam

About journal

Društvena istraživanja embraces thematic and disciplinary openness and therefore publishes works from various social and humanistic disciplines: sociology, psychology, politics, history, law, economics, demography, linguistics and other disciplines.

The journal publishes theoretical, empirical and review articles, and given the wide range of readers, priority is given to articles that are of wider social and international interest, in particular empirical research and international comparative research that are not locally specific and thematically narrowly specialized.

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of Društvena istraživanja will be reviewed.

The Editorial board only accepts manuscripts that are written in Croatian or English, which have not been previously published. Manuscripts should be submitted only in electronic form online via the Open Journal System: http://drustvena-istrazivanja.pilar.hr.

The Editorial board uses the iThenticate software Similarity Check to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. By submitting your manuscript to this journal, you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works. To find out more about Similarity Check visit http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck/index.html.

The authors are not charged by the journal for the cost of receiving, reviewing and publishing papers. The journal is funded by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, by subscription to the print edition and funds from the publisher.

The journal supports an open approach, which means that all of its contents are freely available without charging users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, upload, copy, distribute, print out, search, and share links to the full text of the articles or use them in any other legal way without requesting explicit permission from the author or publisher.

Published papers are indexed in:

Current Contents – Social & Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences
Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters);
ERIH PLUS (Norwegian Social Science Data Services – NSD);
IBSS – International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (LSE);
Political Science Complete, SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO);
Scopus (Elsevier);
DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals;
Hrčak – Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia;
Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest).



Call for papers in the thematic issue of the journal Društvena istraživanja "Demographic Extinction and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia".


With the completion of the 2021 population census in the Republic of Croatia and the publication of official data, data on the number and spatial distribution of the population, its basic demographic, educational, migration, economic and other characteristics, as well as the characteristics of households and apartments, will be determined. In addition to the analysis of the current situation determined by the 2021 Census, this census is also used for the analysis of changes compared to all previous censuses, as well as for forecasts of future movements of relevant phenomena in the area. The population census in 2021 confirmed the assumptions about the unfavorable demographic forecast and the deterioration of demographic conditions and processes. The decrease in the number of inhabitants is the result of negative natural population growth and migration balance; for many years, Croatia has recorded more deaths than births on an annual basis, and at the same time, more emigrants than persons who have immigrated.


Due to such findings, we invite the authors to present the Croatian demographic issue to the public in the thematic issue of Društvena istraživanja "Demographic Extinction and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia" as one of the most significant pressing problems of the Republic of Croatia in the present and in the future of sustainable development.


Some of the subtopics related to this topic are:

- Contemporary ethno-demographic changes in Croatia - national and regional context

- Demographic aging - an obstacle to the stable economic development of the Republic of Croatia

- Market and work organization in conditions of depopulation in Croatia

- Women without children in Croatia: cohort analysis

- GIS analysis of the demographic depression index of the Republic of Croatia according to the Censuses of 2011 and 2021

- Current demographic situation on the Croatian islands

- The structure of the Croatian economy as a factor in demographic changes

- Fundamental assumptions of demographic renewal and sustainability of the Croatian space


All papers received for the thematic issue must be edited in accordance with the instructions for authors and are subject to the usual procedure of double anonymous review, without guarantee that they will be included in the thematic issue.


Papers are accepted only in English.


Please submit your papers to the Editorial Board in electronic form via the journal editing system (Open Journal System) on the journal's website by clicking on Submit manuscript. When submitting a paper, select Proposals of thematic issues as the type of paper.


Only works registered through the system until June 1, 2023 will be included in the review process and considered for publication.




dr. sc. Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić

Guest editor

Posted: 2022-10-12
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